is part of ViveleDon B.V.

ViveleDon is a specialist in the field of art and gifts for businesses, but of course private customers can also come to us for collection and customization. Together with artists, designers and photographers we develop paintings, awards, sculptures, trophies, glass art, statues and many other art objects. Exclusive promotional gifts for the most diverse occasions. From anniversaries and openings to the farewell of an employee.

Customization is key

In addition to art gifts and business gifts, promotional items, textiles, personal accessories, gadgets, Christmas packages and end-of-year gifts are not foreign to the parent company. With over 15 years of experience, we at ViveleDon ensure that these items and gifts are not only 'personal' ..... but also slightly different! We love that! In its own jacket, with its own face, with its own touch, because we believe in the power of "tailor-made". We believe that the success of giving a successful gift mainly lies in the details.

For example, the core values ​​or the identity of your organization or that of the recipient are subtly reflected in a special 'lasting' keepsake. And we can crown the collaboration between you and your relationship in a unique way by portraying it in an extremely creative way. At ViveleDon and AwardKopen, we think about the message and impact of your gift. So that you can distinguish yourself!

Visit our showroom

In the various ViveleDon showrooms at Rosmolenweg 9B in Papendrecht you will find everything under one roof and you can be inspired by the latest trends. You can just walk in, but you can of course also make an appointment without obligation for a meeting with one of our gift advisers. This is possible if you are looking for a gift for a specific giving occasion, but of course also to properly map out your gift policy and to consult one of our advisers to see where the possibilities lie for your company.